Vigilant Systems - Information Process ManagementPutting All the Pieces in PlaceVigilant provides guidance and proven programs to Legal, IT, Records Management, line-of-business leaders and other business stakeholders within organizations to effectively manage information assets.Vigilant Systems facilitates cross functional and executive dialogue that serves as a catalyst for defining a unified governance approach to information and helps establish a culture of compliance. This is accomplished by facilitating better cooperation, cross-functional processes and better information governance at the enterprise.Our mission, through value-driven delivery, is to provide organizations with an accountability framework in the creation, storage, use, valuation, archival, and destruction of information assets. This includes developing processes, roles, standards, and metrics to ensure effective use of information to enable an organization achieve its information management goals streamlined with its business objectives.Our Information Governance Professional Services and Products focus on Unified Information Governanceo Business, Legal, IT, and Records Management objectiveso Data Risk Identification- data mapping and contextualizingo Business Intelligence (internal and external)- data assets, value, and dutyo Data Minimization- defensible, repeatable, and manageableo Policy integration and process transparencyo eDiscovery- Legal holds, identification, preservation, collection, processing and analysiso Investigations (internal and external)- regulatory, M&A, and divestitureso IP Management and Fraud Identificationo Data Systems- Security, Privacy, Confidentiality, Integrity, and AvailabilityWe focus on the strategic and technical needs of our clients; both in long-term advisory roles where we help define and deliver on information governance and management best practices, as well as short-term project-specific needs.