CooStaY, as part of CooLife Network Inc, is a one-stop O2O location-based mobile application established on December 2014 in the US. It aims to creating a community for Chinese people living or traveling abroad where they can have better and more options in terms of housing, social networking, second hand market and so on. "Make your new world!" is CooStaY's motto. We are dedicated to revolutionizing the ways that Chinese people live or travel abroad, including a new living concept, residence mode, creative transaction regulation. After the in-depth research on the difficulties of living abroad faced by travelers or residents from china, we created a brand-new business model positioning the house rental and roommate matching as the breakthrough point. CooStaY innovates the process and model for traditional living overseas through integrating with social media and better user experiences. At CooStaY, there are the trendy living style, innovative living concept combined with advanced technologies and efficient operation process. Meantime, users could feel the power of cooperation and communication at CooStaY from our seamless user experiences. CooStaY app and team are full of passion and creativity. We will provide a sustainable service for all the Chinese people living abroad. Our vision is not limited to creating a product or service, but is to creating a new world.CooStaY(酷居)是CooLife Network Inc 旗下于2014 年12 月在美国纽约创立的服务全球华人海外深度旅居的一站式移动本地服务O2O 平台。我们致力于打造人类的新兴家园,全新的生活理念与旅居模式,全新的交易秩序与体验节奏。我们深度挖掘了海外深度旅居的痛点,以房屋租赁和室友智能匹配为核心切入点,打破传统旅居链条与模式,从新整合优化将其合二为一并融入社交性以及发散性用户体验,创新出了全新的商业模式。这里有最Cool 的生活方式,最in 的Stay 理念,最Tech 的应用流程!同时在这里您可以感受到Co-op 的力量,无限的Suprise 与Amazing!享受Younth以及无穷的Passion!对,这里就是Co-o-S-t-a-Y,一个服务全球华人海外旅居或商务的一站式移动口袋绿色家园!这不只是一个产品或服务,而是一个全新的世界!