For better health and a sustainable working life.HPI Health Profile Institute works with method development, software development, education, and authorship and research in health, wellness and work environment. Our market is health and work environment development for organizations, groups and individuals.Our customers are Sweden's leading occupational health services, gyms, health care providers as well as universities, colleges and folk high schools. We save money for our customers by being a total supplier of methods for health and work environment development, IT, education and research and development.HPI is the founder and developer of Health Profile Assessment ™ - the leading method for motivating people to lifestyle change. We also develop HPI Health Screening ™, HPI Bicycle Fitness Test, HPI Workplace Profile ™ and HPI Blood Profile ™.You use our methods through the Plustoo™ software, which, in addition to recording data, also offers you advanced statistics opportunities for analyzing, screening, mapping and evaluating health development. For Plustoo™ we also offer our own website™ for participants to answer surveys and questionnaires.We have been using the Health Profile Assessment™ method since 1979 and each year we train about 1,200 people in occupational health care, universities, colleges and other health players.We have developed methods since 1976 and software since 1988, we are pioneers in health & IT and one of the market's leading players.