Environmental Consultant <|> Entrepreneur <|> Dad at EnviroScience Inc - Stow, OH, US
EnviroScience is a team of over 150 expert biologists, commercial divers, environmental engineers, and environmental scientists that provides biomonitoring, environmental compliance, restoration, and commercial diving services to federal, state, and municipal governments, the power industry, manufacturing, and private clients throughout the U.S. and Canada. EnviroScience is headquartered in Stow, Ohio with offices in Nashville, TN, Morgantown, WV, Richmond, VA, and Asheville, NC.TOP NAICS CODES:541330 Engineering Services541370 Surveying & Mapping 541380 Testing Laboratories541620 Environmental Consulting541690 Other Scientific & Technical Consulting Services541990 Support Services (including diving)562910 Remediation ServicesBIOASSAY Toxicity Analysis (TIE, TRE, WER, etc.)COMMERCIAL DIVING & MARINE Freshwater Mussel Surveys Intake / Screen Maintenance Potable Water UW Testing / Video Inspections Burning / Welding / JettingCONSULTING & MONITORING Biological Assessments Expert Testimony Ecological Risk Water Quality MonitoringDIGITAL MAPPING GIS/GPS and Remote SensingECOLOGICAL STUDIES Endangered Mussel Surveys Endangered Bat Surveys Fishery Evaluations Fish and Macroinvertebrates Mammal, Bird, Reptile, Amphibian & Vegetation Surveys Phytoplankton and Icthyoplankton Lake ManagementENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Impingement and Entrainment NPDES PermittingSTREAM RESTORATION Design and Construction Mitigation and PermittingWETLANDS Wetland Delineation & Mitigation 401 & 404 PermittingSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT MS4 permits Environmental Inspection & Maintenance Industrial MSGP Green InfrastructureCOMPLIANCE SERVICES NPDES Permitting Process Water Treatment Devices Commercial Wastewater Systems Permit-to-Install (PTIs) Plans (SWPPs, SPCC, Hazardous Waste Contingency Plans, Sludge Management Plans) Environmental Training