From exploring an embryonic idea through to implementation and business benefits, we help organisations innovate effectively. From corporates, startups to universities create we assist you with innovation that delivers resultsFor Start-ups and SME's this includes:* Technology translation into commercial, business & customer language.* Develop a well articulated commercial proposition * Create an effective & powerful pitch for investors and customers.* Create a compelling demonstrator, PoC or prototype* Convey the key customer benefits of your product or service* Prove technical feasibility. * Identify, develop and articulate industry specific use cases* Identify target customers* Support engagement with corporate customers* Target "decision makers" and avoid common traps and pitfalls. * Network to find trial customers for your start-up* Support throughout the process of working with them* Deploy a trial and learn from your users. * Coaching and Mentoring as your new venture growsFor larger enterprises and major corporations this includes:* Identify and articulate your business problems and opportunities* Find, engage and work effectively with Start-ups & SME's* Work at pace from idea & concept to trial & proposition* Hothouse: rapid acceleration of innovations (days not months) * Develop a portfolio approach to innovation that: > Tracks progress of innovations > Measures their future potential value > Enables prioritisation and objective setting* Develop a culture of Innovation* Employees are trained, equipped, motivated and empowered* Make innovation happen at all levels and in all areas of your business.