Communication Manager at National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
The National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa (NCPC-SA) is a programme of the South African government focused on enabling the country's industrial sector to increase its competitive capability and sustainability through more resource efficient and cleaner production.The NCPC-SA falls under the auspices of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and is hosted on its behalf by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).The NCPC-SA promotes the implementation of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) methodologies to assist industry to lower costs through reduced energy, water and materials usage, and waste management. The NCPC-SA is a member of UNIDO and UNEP's global resource efficiency and cleaner production network (RECPnet) and plays a leading role in the African Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption (ARSCP), with the NCPC-SA currently the President of the African body.