BUSINESS EXCELLENCEDELIVERING | Unique Proven Business Models DEVELOPING | People IMPROVING | ProcessesOFFERINGS: FINANCIAL CONCEPTS AND UNDERSTANDING:Key Performance Indicators (KPI) ⏵ Dashboards ⏵ Metrics and Ratios ⏵ Leadership and Management Financial Education ⏵ Goals and Planning for Success ⏵ Net Income vs. EBIT(DA) ⏵ Cash Management ⏵ What to Watch and Look For ⏵ General Accounting Education ⏵ Aligning the Company for Success DATA ANALYTICS: ⏵ Data Capture (backend database(s)) ⏵ Data Alignment ⏵ Data Mapping ⏵ Front-End System for Generating Leadership Decision-Making Information BUSINESS PLANNING ⏵ Understanding the Ownership Needs, Desires, Interests ⏵ Mission & Vision ⏵ Goal Setting ⏵ Budgeting ⏵ Project Planning ⏵ Metrics for Measurement that Leads to Success ⏵ Aligning These Items for Success and Risk Mitigation ⏵ SETTING EXPECTATIONS: Communication, Delivery Mechanism, Timing, Feedback, Follow-up, Teambuilding | Buy-in, MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS (M&A): ⏵ M&A 101 | Why | When | How | Goals | Partners | ⏵ Understanding the Various Types, Methods and When to Use Each One ⏵ Due Diligence ⏵ Contracts ⏵ Negotiating ⏵ Legal Aspects ⏵ Building Your Team CAPITAL RAISING: ⏵ Capital Raising 101 | Why | When | How | Goals | Partners | ⏵ Understanding the Various Types, Methods and When to Use Each One ⏵ Due Diligence ⏵ Contracts ⏵ Negotiating ⏵ Legal Aspects ⏵ Building Your Team