SBFM is a service company specializing in managing fleets of vehicles for businesses and organizations that do not have their own fleet manager. Our main client base is companies or organizations which operate 150 vehicles or less, however, we also provide services to those companies that have larger fleets. SBFM is a privately owned business. It was started in 1990 by Phil Young (and incorporated in 2005), who has over 30 years of experience in the automotive and automotive fleet management business. SBFM's goal is to do five basic things: (1) procure and remarket vehicles in such a way as to save its clients money; (2) free-up its clients' (and their employees') time that they have been spending dealing with vehicles; (3) ensure that our clients and their employees meet all applicable laws and regulations relating to vehicle fleets; (4) ensure that all fleet drivers are operating the vehicles in accordance with company policy, and (5) provide a level of personal service that is unmatched.