Class Analytics helps schools bring paper and electronic assessment results to life through real time easy to use visulaisations. Our personalised visualisations allow teachers and schools to quickly track, map and monitor individual students progress over time. Class Analytics is a global brand, helping schools in both Australia and the USA. Class Analytics adds value to1. TEACHERS- Create better personalised learning plans for students- Track student progress over time- Assist students in weaker areas- Save on administrative, planning and reporting time- Allows better communication with parents2. DEPARTMENT HEADS- Quickly compare performance across classes- See specific year group progress- Improve teacher recognition and support- Assist with future planning- Help teachers with early intervention plans3. PRINCIPALS & DEPUTIES- High level overview of student performance and well being- Benchmark current student progress against previous year groups- Data informed conversation that supports better planning and strategy with key staff members- Opportunity to deliver meaningful communication to parents4. PARENTS- Can easily track childs progress throughout the year- Understand subject topic areas of strength and weakness- Creates a better dialog with teachers and schools