Independent Financial Advice from E C Financial Services ("ECFS") is always given face to face and meetings can take place either at your place or ours. At our New London Road office we have parking for your convenience and refreshments available for your comfort."ECFS" was set up in 2005 and our parent company Edmund Carr Chartered Accountants were set up in 1953 so we are in it for the long run. You don't want your IFA to retire before you do !.We will undertake research, create a recommendation report for you to keep, meet you to go through all the paperwork, implement any recommendation we make where applicable, keeping all the records on file and then we will agree on a strategy of reviews to keep everything on track. You will always be given an estimate of advice costs before you make any commitment to proceed.We are always looking for opportunities to help. Is it time for you to benefit from independent financial advice ?Only deal with Financial Conduct Authority ( "FCA") regulated financial advice firms. Our FCA registered number is 567851. You can verify we are listed by using this link to see the names of our regulated advisers. our website for further regulatory information and last but not least;:"The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is an agency for arbitrating on unresolved complaints between regulated firms and their clients. Full details of the FOS can be found on its website at"