Creator of body transformation program. The last 100 participants have lost over 2,000lbs!
Since 2014 our mission at Unfinished has been to create a partnership with the members of our community to promote healthy lifestyles through nutrition and fitness that helps people function and perform to the best of their ability. Unfinished Athletics promotes a supportive community working toward a common goal and embraces the unique culture and approach to fitness only found through CrossFit, functional fitness and Olympic Weightlifting facilities like ours. Unfinished trains a variety of people of all ages and skill level. One of the most powerful aspects of our culture is that everyone is able to inspire, motivate, foster accountability, and bring out the best of one another as competitors and teammates.All of our CrossFit classes are led by Certified CrossFit Instructors. All of our members, no matter their skill level or ability, are supported and coached by Certified CrossFit Coaches, Trainers, Certified Yoga Instructors, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Nutritionists. UnFinished Project helps its members track results using trainer interaction and every improving mobile app technology. We provide the tools to make achieving your fitness goals a little easier than at the big franchise gym chains.We encourage you to take the first step to a fitter you, and join a community that will help you live a healthier lifestyle..