Rockerbox. Mining Profitability. Our mission is to provide every small business owner with an opportunity to participate in various employer-based tax credit programs. Programs like WOTC, ERTC, EZ, R&D and Cost Segregation can dramatically improve cash flow - upt to 40%! Most small business owners do not have the luxury of having their own tax department researching and evaluating these types of tax credit programs. Unlike larger enterprises, like Walmart, Amazon and GE, many small business owners do not have the bandwidth or resources required to effectively execute these programs internally. By giving every small business owner the knowledge, tools and best practices to participate in these types of tax credit programs we provide access to tax credit programs historically reserved for large enterprises. With an optimized tax credit strategy in place, the average small business owner can improve their cash flow, up to 40%. Contact Rockerbox today to learn more: 800-940-1255