We believe that new, more fluid, participatory and networked ways of organising are emerging. They provide the conditions for people involved to self-govern in service to a wise and compassionate society and a healthy planet. We also believe that organisations have a calling in the new world of transforming to organic living systems and becoming communities that thrive. We help organisations reinvent themselves. We help teams and emerging organisations succeed while being socially responsible. We do so by helping them adopt human-centric, responsive, healthy and agile practices, which are particularly well suited to the desired culture and temperament of our clients. Starting from the human and working outward (people, organisations, communities, societies, planet) we work in the area between the I (character, people, love, leadership) and the WE (culture, systems, power, governance). Our aim is to enable quality collective impact to enhance the organisation, the society it operates in and the people working within it in a mutually beneficial way. While we may introduce options, we do not provide solutions, preferring instead to teach people how to fish, by giving them the tools, problem-solving skills and creative mindset, including setting up structures conducive to deep collaboration, which will enable the people to find their own disruptive solutions by themselves, autonomously, well beyond our stay.