SEF INGENIERIE - Société d'Equipement de Fonderie – robotique et productique en fonderie d'aluminium par gravité. FUNDRY MACHINERY DESIGN AND REALIZATION FUNDRY AUTOMATED CASTING APPLICATIONS WITH ROBOTICS SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS DESIGN AND REALIZATION After almost 20 year of providing fundery with "coquilleuse" or automated casting machines and also automated casting yard, our experience in such realization allows us to provide our customer with really reliable equipments. The design has been improved for so many years now although the technology has evoluated also to stay a up to date in terms of choices this helps really confident relationship with our customer/partners. The latest system equipped with a 6-axis last generation robot allows casting of aluminum parts by gravity with some remarkable levels of productivity. Our design department can studdy any specific equipment and can also help you to make choices between suppliers and help you out with establish your own specifications.