The Morris Automated Information Network (MAIN) is a consortium of 49 public libraries located in Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset and Warren Counties. MAIN's mission is to lead and encourage collaboration, resource sharing, staff development and innovation by providing high quality, cost effective shared services to member libraries for their communities. MAIN aspires to help member libraries and the communities they serve to readily access a rich spectrum of resources.Together, MAIN libraries serve over 650,000 residents of all ages. Patrons of member libraries have access to over 3.1 million items including eBooks, eAudiobooks, Blu-rays, DVDs, music, museum passes, videogames, and of course, books. MAIN libraries also offer a substantial amount of programming, public meeting space, research assistance, lectures, cultural events, public classes, art exhibitions and more.MAIN was originally created in 1979 to help oversee the initial automation of local library systems. Over time, it has evolved into a full-fledged public library consortium incorporated as a nonprofit organization which offers its members cost-sharing opportunities, library automation services, technical support, and an organizational structure conducive to collaboration and efficient management of tax dollars.Mission Statement:To enhance the value of every member library with high quality shared services and technology. MAIN member libraries, committees and staff collaborate to amplify their collective and individual resources. Their efforts form the basis for development opportunities and partnerships within the community.Vision Statement:MAIN aspires to encourage, lead and support member libraries and the communities they serve to readily access a diverse and innovative selection of enriching, entertaining and informative resources.