For over three decades, passion, rigour and savoir-faire have been the driving force of thework, creation and excellence that is the taste of La Maison du Chocolat, founded in 1977by Robert Linxe. From Parisian grand artisan to international luxury chocolatier, La Maison du Chocolatcarries on the tradition of its grand classics, and each season, crafts new ephemeralchocolate collections, showing that the art of chocolate is ever evolving.Nicolas Cloiseau, Master Chef of La Maison du Chocolat, Meilleur Ouvrier de FranceChocolatier 2007, maintains a signature taste throughout his creations, even from thedelicate chocolate covering, to the sumptuous ganache, following through to the chocolatepastries. For more than 35 years, La Maison du Chocolat has taken the science of balance andassociations to an art form. Perfect harmony on the palate highlights the singularity of thesesignature creations of unique taste.