We are dedicated to improving the future for amateur athletes and ensuring their success in the motocross industry. Users can upload their racer profiles.Pierre Lacombe created pitboard.ca to ultimately share his passion for motocross riding. While growing up, Pierre had a love for all things motocross and would be envious of his friend's dirt bikes but never had the chance to actually ride one for himself. Years later, pierre had the pleasure of visiting westshore motocross in his current town of victoria, bc. The owner, jeff evernden had created a "learn to ride" program, enabling pierre and his family to finally try motocross for themselves.After some fun-filled family excitement motocross riding, pierre and his children decided to further pursue the motocross industry. This can unfortunately be quite costly, and pierre needed a way to help finance his children's dreams. Thus, pitboard.ca was born. While pitboard.ca is a work in progress and constantly being updated with new content, the website proudly offers; relevant motocross content, Pit Board MX racing team promotions, customized racing jerseys, customized t-shirts and apparel, and an interactive blog.