Executive Vice President Portfolio Strategy & Supranational Affairs - Managing Director Europe at CanSino Biologics Inc - , ,
康希诺生物股份公司(简称:康希诺生物,股票代码6185.HK)于2009年注册于天津滨海新区,是由跨国制药企业高管团队回国创立的国家级高新技术企业。康希诺生物以在世界范围内提供预防传染病和感染病的解决方案为己任,专业从事高质量人用疫苗的研发、生产和商业化,是国内领先的高科技生物制品企业。2019年3月,康希诺生物在香港联交所主板H股上市;2020年1月,公司正式递交科创板上市申请并获得受理,拟募集资金用于新型疫苗产能扩大与新疫苗产品研发。CanSino Biologics Inc. (CanSinoBIO, stock 6185.HK) is an innovative biopharmaceutical company dedicated to exploring best solutions to the prevention of diseases through cutting edge research & development, advanced manufacturing and commercialization of innovative vaccine products for human use worldwide. Since its establishment in Tianjin, China in 2009, CanSinoBIO has experienced tremendous growth with now more than 450 employees, one approved vaccine for Ebola virus disease (Ad5-EBOV) and 16 vaccine candidates in the product pipeline. CanSinoBIO has been successfully listed on the Main Board of Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited (HKEx) since March 2019. CanSinoBIO is focusing on continually expanding manufacturing capacity for its current vaccine candidates and further enhancing the competitiveness and the scope of its portfolio by promoting the R&D of new vaccine candidates.