WELCOME TO OCRA (LONDON) LIMITEDFor the last 25 years we have been based in Mayfair, London, the world's leading international financial centre, and specialising in corporate planning and UK tax consultancy, we provide cost effective and robust business solutions for companies and entrepreneurs wishing to establish a presence in one of the world's biggest economies.OCRA's London-based in-house tax team provides advice on all aspects of United Kingdom and international tax issues.United Kingdom companies or businesses investing outside the United KingdomNon-UK corporations or businesses investing into the United KingdomInternational company formations in over 50 global jurisdictionsConsultants and senior executives with overseas contracts taking employment outside, or returning to, the United Kingdom Non-UK nationals coming to the United Kingdom in order to minimise income or capital gains taxes they would otherwise pay in their country of tax residence Establishment of tax efficient trusts for the benefit of families or dependants of high tax payers Property investment in the UK