Our story is simple. We are obsessed with details, no matter how small these are, sodimensions and scales are important to us. But I find it strange to talk strictly architecture even though it is themost significant portion of our business; the reason is that at PSi&cO we have been applying architectural models to projects that do notnecessarily involve the "physical construction" of an element, like in the development and application of acorporate image, a market study, an audiovisual installation, a graphic design, a piece of art, an urban plan, toname but a few. Simply put , we feel that the architectural point of view is perfectly applicable to these projectsbecause the most fundamental principle behind the work is one to Create. Every single job we have undertaken inthe last 12 years has left us with the joy of getting to know our clients. We have learned that a building, a space,a brand, or a logo are only a reflection of the people behind them, who they are and where they want to go.That's how I like to define PSi&CO.R. Mucci StormCM & Co-founder