Platinum International Group Limited, offers you the experience of an internationally recognised company with the personal attention your company and development deserves. Plantinum is the cutting edge frontier in international project marketing, enabling developers worldwide to effectively market their developments to the millions of Chinese customers throughout mainland China with extensive distribution networks in more than 30 China cities nation-wide. We orchestrate superior quality events servicing your every need. Our dynamic, passionate and vibrant events department is renowned for delivering high impact targeted specific project marketing campaigns for all developers who want to enter mainland China, tapping into an abundance of wealthy Chinese Nationals whose key motivation is to buy offshore properties. We attract a range of clients – from high-net worth individuals, Entrepreneurs's, CEO'S, VP's, Government Leaders and some of the most influencial networks throughout mainland China – at the same time help you achieve a high ROI by delivering a first class service encompassing all aspects of your development maximising your desired conversions target. 铂地国际有限公司是一家国际性的地产公司,我们的总部在澳大利亚墨尔本,分别在上海、香港设有办事处。是一个面向全球的、综合的跨国公司,我们的房产遍布全世界,包括有澳洲、美国、英国、加拿大、瑞典、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、新西兰、塞浦路斯、日本、菲律宾等。 我们为客户提供最"卓越"的服务。我们运用专业的知识,为客户提供建议、帮助与承诺。 我们在中国的销售业绩在过去的四年位列第一。零投诉,高回报,为我们赢得了很好的口碑与强大的客户群体。 我们的职责是帮助那些希望在全世界投资、买房、置业的客户找到最物美价廉的房子,做到高回报、低投入、低风险,让客户省心、省力,买到最好、最合适的房子。