Success is more important in life at Motivational Speaker - Burlington, Vermont, United States
Thousands of years ago we were cave people. The basics of life back then was food, water and shelter or was it outrunning the hungry predator? Today, what seems like an opportunity or threat is the #challenge we all face. It's easy to see as a cave person that is a challenge to find food and a threat to run into a predator while doing it. Some threats can be the best way to reach your potential or goals because you will not end up dead facing it. Another challenge is NOT looking at the "stuff" you created in your life for good, bad and indifferent. It is perspective which provides awareness on how to move forward with a plan. "People do not plan to fail, they fail to plan" The plan is to figure out how leverage both challenges and threats to your advantage. I have a passion to share a message that will motivate others because I know it's easy to get stuck or feel broke physically, mentally, financially and so on. That sucks!It is real and can be very painful and worse you feel alone. This is part of life and it's going to improve or change at the extent our thinking with key decisions that will help keep us grounded. I am Steve Maestas and I motivated to speak to people who are experiencing challenges and threats in their life and will support you through this phase of your journey. We can overcome any challenge happily-the only predator is us!