Client Engagement Manager (Intern + Graduate Talent) at Monash Talent - Melbourne, VIC, AU
Looking for great graduates for your business can be a long and difficult process. When you partner with Monash Talent, you gain access with prequalified candidates aligned by job family. Monash Talent is focused on building a deeper connection with industry. Monash Talent is here to provide you with great graduates, matched to your needs and ready to join your team. Whether it's defining job roles, advertising open positions, shortlisting candidates or taking on the interviewing process, we've got you covered. ● Save you time - We take care of all the details so you don't have to.● Open up a vast talent pool - We have access to some of Australia's most talented and employable graduates, from Monash University. ● Secure a top-tier match - With candidate profiling based on neuroscience and big data we can screen for the skills and the mindset that will fit your organisation and role. ● Provide you with a dedicated adviser - From defining roles to scoping your talent needs, we offer advice you can value.WHY SHOULD YOU WORK WITH US? The short answer is: We know employers and we care about your graduates.We understand the business requirements of clients, we possess access to high quality talent, we have great experience in preparing graduates for work and we have the profiling capability to provide you with the best talent match.As a service offered by Monash University, Monash Talent recruits students and graduates of one of the world's top 100 universities, recognised specifically for the employability of its graduates. Monash Talent is in touch with the talent needs and culture of employers – whatever the sector and wherever they are based. With access to thousands of graduates every year, we are confident we can find the candidates you need and that you'll want to keep. To get started on your graduate search, reach out to one of our team members today! We're excited to chat with you.