One constant mission of architecture has always been the process by which materials become structures, light becomes shadow, and shadow becomes design. We take materials provided by nature and reconfigure to inspire through function. It is in this way that Plato Studio creations change people's lives. Although some things about architecture have drastically changed since the creation of iconic Grecian Columns, inspiring European Arches and remarkable Chinese Temples, in many ways the advent of modern technology has brought us closer than ever to the days of the master builder, where one entity corrals inspiration, vision, form function and creation and brings it all together as an integrated process. One thing that has surely stayed the same is that regardless of the structure or space, without the inspiration of the client, the vision of the architect, a well defined process, and simply beautiful workmanship, none of it would exist.An additional mission of Plato Studio, yet no less vital to the creative process, is the relationship we share with our clients. We pride ourselves on nurturing the client's vision and inspiration, melding their ideas with ours while keeping within the boundaries of the project, together, moving the vision forward.