We serve great retailers like Lunds and Byerlys, the Minneapolis-St Paul markets' premier food retailer, with breakthrough programs that make a difference on the retail landscape.PointZero Retail is a group of experienced, effective and efficient professionals that serve the supermarket and discount retail marketplace by helping companies create new, breakthrough solutions that dramatically improve offering and operations; get more customers and loyalty; and make dramatic change happen in the marketplace.We work with retailers, wholesalers and consumer products companies that want to dramatically – radically – improve how they are serving the consumer. Period. We provide vertically integrated and unified strategy, communications and store execution programs. Research it. Strategize it. Develop it. Build it.Get Answers, Direction, and Results with a vertical brand delivery model that focuses only on critical and necessary components of the guest experience, strategic decision making and direction.We help retailers' strategic marketing, communication, and guest experience investments deliver greater response, opportunities for growth and higher returns. They get access to proactive, focused and predictable impact in the marketplace and opportunity for their brands and services to succeed where the retail guest is the ultimate arbiter of success.Our guiding principal is "Strategic Common Sense" so we disregard the ghosts, biases and operating models of the past and steadily help clients advance into brand new arenas and methods of service that respond to unrealized needs of the market.We love working with retailers and marketing companies committed to serving the consumer in new, better ways. They earn traffic and average transaction growth with innovation and execution. We love to work with entrepreneurs who want to succeed in the market.