Recruitment Consultant @ Generations Recruitment focusing on Sales & Marketing profiles
Generations Recruitment is a Brussels-based recruitment agency specialised in Marketing & Sales profiles. We provide Meaningful Recruitment by ensuring the matching of our talents' and employers' culture and needs and by ensuring more ethical and diversified recruitment. We have helped more than 70 companies in many different sectors such as the food, drink, home-care, consumer electronic, pharmaceutical or automotive industries but also communication agencies, insurance companies or retailers.• 40,000 + Marketing & Sales candidates in our database• 98 % of our candidates stay more than 6 months – On average, our placed candidates stay more than 3 years • 100+ companies trust us: Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Orange, The Swatch Group, ...WIN-WIN APPROACH• Non-exclusive • Guarantee 6 months• Fixed commission basedFor more information: https://www.generationsrecruitment.comCONTACTTel.: +32 2 344 44 08Mob.: +32 474 50 01 08Email: