Consulting Business partner at Double Loop GmbH - Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
We call it Double Loop:Creating, communicating, selling and capturing value in your customer interactions can only be successful, when the value creators in your "internal departments" such as R&D, Technology, Production or Supply Chain Management (Internal Loop), are well aligned with the customer facing parts of your organization (External Loop).Because value creation, value communiction, value selling and value capture just doesn't happen working in silos. By also taking your business culture into consideration, we help you on your continuous journey through both loops, ensuring a seamless cross-functional collaboration and alignment, optimizing the value to your customers and maximizing your margins.Our Double Loop ServicesBy linking marketing & sales excellence with business psychology and business culture, we support our industry partners in the chemical sector and other B2B manufacturing businesses in creating, communicating, selling and capturing customer value. Online and offline.Our digital and offline Double Loop services include training, coaching and consultancy in the areas of Marketing Excellence, Pricing, Key Account Management, Sales Development and Enablement as well as supporting organizational and cultural change.Having started in 1998 as team steffenhagen, a spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University, we have more than 20 years of experience. In 2020 we took the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity for sharpening our profile and relaunching our services as Double Loop Dudes.