Successful Endeavours develop smart, electronics based products that are manufactured in Australia. These are typically higher value products performing sophisticated monitoring, communications or control functions; or where unique features, size, power consumption, performance, battery life or cost effectiveness are primary commercial drivers.Successful Endeavours brings consulting class product development to the SME sector at a price point that makes new commercial opportunities affordable to companies that would otherwise not be able to bring their idea to market. Over the past 20 years this has seen more than 1000 projects completed with the vast majority being manufactured in Australia. In some cases export rates are 98%.As an extension to the high technology R&D product development services, Successful Endeavours also offers turnkey Industry 4.0 Advanced Manufacturing where the end customer is not a local manufacturer or does not want to manage the manufacturing logistics. This allows products to be brought to market that would otherwise have gone to overseas manufacture or not been made at all.Our market is Australian based electronics manufacturers and entrepreneurial businesses that want to make a high quality product in Australia and want to be able to do that profitably.