Immicademy is a seamless online training platform that offers a comprehensive guide on how to immigrate to Canada and has been prepared by one of Canada's premiere Canadian immigration service providers, Mansouri Immigration, located in beautiful British Columbia, Canada.Online Immigration Training Institute located in CanadaImmicademy is an online professional training institute that specializes in providing immigration help to foreign nationals who wish to come to Canada either to work, study or become permanent residents. Our products and services have been designed by experienced Canadian immigration law experts. Our packages contain comprehensive Canadian immigration related materials with practical step-by-step guidelines that are easy to follow.Do-It-Yourself practical training solutionsIn our immigration tool kits and materials, we also guide you through short tutorial videos, provide you with lots of examples, and an easy to follow checklist to help you prepare your own immigration application.Real case examplesFor each immigration kit, you will be provided with real-life examples of cases and we will make sure that you have the most up-to-date information as Canadian immigration law, regulations and policies tend to change.Do-it-yourself Canadian immigration kitsOur complete do-it-yourself Canadian immigration kits are available through our online content delivery platform.They contain everything you need to apply for Canadian immigration programs including the Temporary Class and Permanent Residency.