TIES ACE (American Classroom Experience) Program offers holistic learning experiences to International teachers seeking to come to the USA for the purpose of full-time teaching at a primary or secondary accredited educational institutions. ACE program prepares teachers in all aspects to excel during the rigorous job interviews by accredited schools in USA. This program allows teachers to explore ideas in new ways and challenge them to think differently which will make them an outstanding teacher in USA. ACE is an extensive 60-80 hours of online training program that empower teachers to effective classroom management, analyze student data, diagnose student achievement gaps, create effective lesson plans aligned to the key shifts the CCR standards demand, explore practical teaching methods to increase the rigor in the classroom, incorporate interdisciplinary problem-solving teaching approaches and creating assessments and rubrics. The program includes series of video conferencing and interviews with subject matter experts, highly qualified and certified teachers, admins and educators who prepare you to be successful in your job interviews and be successful teachers in USA.