company secretary trainee at BEE CORPORATE SOLUTION LLP - Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Bee Corp specializes in Corporate compliance having more than nine year standing in this domain and assist corporate companies. In HR domain Bee Corp Solution is managed by a highly competent andcomprehensive professional team of well qualified and experienced in compliancemanagement with collective decades of industrial expertise.Bee Corp Solution intent to deliver high – quality, innovative and timelycompliance service to the corporate world.Its Clients include most prominent organizations that repose confidence in qualitycompliance.Bee Corp Solution's endeavor is to involve, inspire and excel in compliancespheres to ensure our clients to focus fully in their business operations toenhance perform with winning attitude.How will Bee Corp benefit you?Our team has enough experience in handling the diverse ranges ofcompliance in different domains and ability to accept challengesOur ServicesFactory ComplianceEstablishment ComplianceContract labour complianceAudit and Assurance in ComplianceRegistration service, Plan approvals, HR Consulting, Manpower Resource managementExclusive and Comprehensive Regulatory services for the factories irrespectiveof geographical set-up – such as plan, license, registration, statutory remittance,displays, handling inspection, up keeping of registers and records.Testing and examination of equipments, safety devisesCertification – Standing Order, Building Stability etc.Registration and regular compliance services for Shops and establishments.Contract Labour Compliance for Factory, Projects and Shop & EstablishmentsPayroll compliance – Payroll Processing, Registration under PF, ESI, PT & LWF,Statutory RemittanceIndustrial Licensing such as fire, PCBCorporate / Panchayat Licensing – Running license, Trade license, PT, CompanyTax registration etc..Our clients consider our team as professionals with precision perfect approachwith cost-effective solutions. We ensure timely compliance.