Antharicshaa foundation is a young, ambitious and fast-growing NGO, located in Chennai, founded in October 2019. The seeds were sown in 2004 when the founding members started exploring various initiatives towards social development. Developmental efforts were executed both independently and along with other like-minded entities. These activities since 2004, till date have touched the lives of more than 3000 children, empowered 100 women and have provided access to quality healthcare for 2000 people.Antharicshaa foundation is inspired by the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). These goals are universal and function as a thorough guidance for us to create impact through consistent progress. There are a total of 17 sustainable goals identified by the UN. These goals are expected to be met by 2030. Antharicshaa foundation is proud to be aligned with these goals and directly contributing to the overall growth of India. Our current projects are directly contributing towards the following sustainable goals stated of the UN:Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages (UN Goal 3)Ensure inclusive equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all(UN Goal 4)Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (UN Goal 5)