ALTIUS Communications offers its customers a wide range of full, turn-key secure wireless solutions that include designing complex outdoor multi-radio full mesh networks, interconnecting LAN's (Local Area Networks) with high capacity point-to-point microwave backhaul links, providing point to multi-point networks via WiMAX or traditional un-licensed equipment, to overlaying your current wireless deployment with today's highest security standards. Technology never slows down, new criteria and standards are developed every day, not only in the global world of information technology, but in the world of wireless: 802.11n (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output MIMO), 802.11s (wireless mesh standard), Suite B security standards (National Security Agency NSA, cryptography), AES 256 and FIPS 140. ALTIUS stays on top of the fast paced industry by consistently researching, inquiring, and teaming with new and innovative partners that develop cutting-edge technology.