Group Secretary at Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut - , Uttar Pradesh, India
Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut, is one of the growing institutions of the country and stands for top most undergraduate program in technical education. Bansal Institute of Engineering & Technology is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. The institute is providing education for B.Tech and Polytechnic courses. The institute is located in Modipuram area of Meerut city (NCR Region) (U.P).\\We are proud to have produced Board Topper in the Annual Examination 2016 of Board of Technical Education, Lucknow (Polytechnic course) and top two branch toppers [Mechanical (Production) branch] and are ambitiously working hard to continue with our legacy.\\The institute aims to maintain a cordial relationship with the corporate personnel so as to better connect the innovators of the future with the corporate world.