Various industries are continuously on lookout for adopting newer strategies for reduction in spend, increase business and achieving operational excellence. With changing times, the way business is done is also undergoing rapid change especially since the arrival of E-commerce and M-commerce. Retailers are struggling to attract more and more people to their stores. Manufacturers want more automation to increase accuracy, eliminate manual dependencies and reduce machine down times. Real Estate wants highest safety compliance and require better energy management solutions. Hospitality wants to generate more loyalty among their customers and have better predictability in terms of hotel room occupancy. Likewise there are many use cases for which companies are trying to search for some affordable and robust solutions. Our solutions help generate real time analytics for quick decision making, achieve automation, understand customers better and provide better customer experience, better safety and security solutions. Machine Learning based predictions helps retailers to predict walk-ins helping them plan merchandise and marketing campaigns. We provide Sales and Demand forecasting, price predictions for various industries. Our Video Analytics based In-Store analytics measures footfall using Deep Learning technology giving Footfall, Gender demographics, Clothing analytics, customer journey, heat map, queue management etc. We provide PPE compliance solutions for Manufacturing & Construction industries. We help manufacturers reduce downtime through predictive maintenance. Face recognition bio-metrics help in repeat customer analysis, authentication management systems. Our Interactive Video Branding solution help generate leads and provides associated analytics. We also provide Perimeter security, Intrusion detection, asset protection, crowd monitoring solutions. Technology can be extended to address more challenges based on use cases.