Manager-Proposals & Marketing at Krofta Engineering Ltd, India - Delhi, Delhi, India
Krofta India was started in 1983 as a joint Effort with Dr Milos Krofta. He was the founder of Krofta and developed DAF Technology.KROFTA Engineering Ltd, India is a world leader in water and wastewater treatment , water and process materials recovery and water purification using the concepts of Dissolved Air Flotation Technology. KROFTA has been active in water treatment and clarification since 1983. KROFTA India is the world's leading OEM of OIL-WATER SEPARATORS (Primary Wastewater Treatment Equipment) & Triple wire BELT-FILTER PRESS for SLUDGE DEWATERING which consists of Gravity Table + Belt Filter Press. This new design can handle much higher flows at low consistency. Footprint area will be lesser so it will be compact and modular. It comes with inbuilt Flocculators with each unit. This new design can be used for municipalities and industrial applications.KROFTA, India have an experience of 38 years in wastewater treatment expertise, highly qualified technical team with Full-fledge State of the Art In-house manufacturing facility present in INDIA. Krofta clarifiers have retention times as low as 3 minutes and with a possibility of resource recovery with over 12,000 installations operating in diverse industrial segments over the globeKROFTA, India have an International technical collaboration with AJV – Engineering Ky., Finland for Belt Filter Press and Stetfield Separators, UK for Oil interceptors which makes KROFTA, India technically strong supplier for all wastewater treatment related challenges for Indian as well as global market.To know more about our product range, kindly visit our company website: