Sr. Cad assistant and 3D Visualizer at Upasarg Landscape Architecture - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
BACKGROUND:Upasarg is a young company promoted to create a more professional and sustainable Landscape Architecture practice in India. Upasarg integrates the best of international practices with the rich Indian Art, Architecture, Landscape, Environment, Culture and Traditions to create harmonious soothing spaces.DESIGN & WORK APPROACH:Upasarg strives to establish itself as a boutique landscape and environmental design studio and are focused on designing and delivering master plans and design-oriented solutions with particular emphasis on an innovative approach within the practical restraints of sites. Its designs would involve creating spaces that induce activity and reward senses that are comfortable and are appropriate to the regional, cultural, environmental and sustainability context. Upasarg's design philosophy in tandem with updated knowledge on materials & technology, professional yet practical solutions and close co ordination, shall endeavour to create landscape designs that are aesthetic, comfortable, and maintainable for all the stakeholders.At an aesthetic level upasarg's prime consideration would be to determine the soul of the project to ensure that the specific elements of the design are appropriate and are well knitted in its character.VISION:To create landscapes that transforms to an inspiring, vibrant and sustainable reality by enhancing nature, engaging cultures and involving stake holders to build an enduring environment. MISSION:To become an exclusive & niche landscape consultant, by providing innovative, environmentally sensitive, climate responsive and powerful design solutions very specific to the project, weaving cultural fabric with futuristic ideas