"Craftkari" is the Crafts group at Manzil. It comprises of 9 young girls who are passionate about creating things with their own hands."Manzil is a not-for-profit organisation providing a community and resources for local youth from low-income backgrounds to learn and share, to grow confident, to be creative, and to see the world in new ways. One of the important ways we do this is by encouraging our students to discover themselves through self-expression through various art forms like music, theatre, dance and craft, apart from the regular academic learning.Craftkari products are made from 100% recycled handmade paper and jute, with a quilling design each. The girls take care of everything - from sourcing raw material to designing to maintaining quality during production. In the process, they develop not only their aesthetics and skills to earn an honest livelihood, but also a deep sense of caring and excellence.These beautiful articles brought into existence by our young students are a labor of love to keep this global and ancient craft of quilling alive. The girls are quilling with paper to make highly detailed handmade craft objects. With innovative illustrations, they have been creating beautiful paper designs. Quilling involves the use of strips of paper that can be rolled, shaped and glued to any background. Each article is visually appealing and is patiently and individually crafted from environmentally responsible material.By purchasing a handcrafted product from Craftkari you help in sustaining this art form and support the livelihoods and ongoing refinement of these girls. All proceeds go to them directly, and they collectively decide on a portion to be donated to Manzil.