With the advent of the 21st Century, the world entered into an age of rapid modernization. But despite the development and advancement, we have achieved in science, arts, and economics, there is still a vast section of our society that is still forced to live in dark ages devoid of basic amenities like, two meals a day, a roof above their head, basic healthcare facilities and primary education. The situation is worse in some places than the other like the developing and underdeveloped countries.At the beginning of the 20th Century, some people and organizations started working towards the uplifting of the marginalized sections of society and thus various NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) which were already in existence started getting prominence and new NGOs with newer and more far-reaching goals started emerging. Today there are as many NGOs and NPOs as there are problems in the society, but these organizations are also faced with problems of their own, like insufficient funds and finances, lack of skilled workers and employees and lack of volunteers,etc. These problems have led to the shutting down of many promising NGOs.This was an issue that needed to be dealt with, and thus the idea of Reach4Cause came to fruition. Reach4Cause was founded with the primary goal of connecting the NGOs, Volunteers, Corporations and donors with each other to help empower and uplift the Marginalized and neglected sections of the society. At Reach4Cause it is our mission to empower the NGOs and provide people and corporations with the opportunity to reach out to the NGOs and NPOs they like and help them with the work they are doing with innovative ideas, proper resources and a multitude of outreach. Our App and Platform provides the extensive opportunity to not only promote your work but also helps the NGOs generate revenue by using our platform as a direct eCommerce platform.Download our app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androidapp.reachforcause