Alchemy Clinical Research Services, is a Clinical Research Organization (CRO) located in geographic center of India, Nagpur in Maharashta the largest city in central India & the winter capital of the state of Maharashtra. It is a fast-growing metropolis and the third largest city in Maharashtra after Mumbai and Pune and also one of the most Industrialized city of India . With a population of 2,405,421+.Alchemy has a team of experienced professionals who are highly process-driven in performing global clinical trials. We continually strive to identify and recruit expertise in the field of Clinical Research to fulfill the emerging needs of the healthcare Industry and to bring clinical studies to successful completion quickly and cost effectively. Our sole objective is to support the desired outcome of clinical trials through expeditious enrollment of appropriate patient population in a sustained and globally acceptable manner.Therapeutic Areas ExpertiseAlchemy's operational owes expertise to conduct clinical trials for both new drugs and medical devices. Our team has combined experience in the following therapeutic areas. Major Areas* Oncology* Cardiology* Ophthalmology* Gastroenterology* Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases* Renal Disorders* Rheumatology* Neurology* UrologyMinor Areas> Dermatology> Psychiatry> Pain Management > Obstetrics & Gynecology > Pediatric> ENTOther # Ayurveda# Herbal Research# Neutraceuticals