Second Jury in Human Resources Management and Living Language English Master's at Federation for EDucation in Europe - Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Chargé de mission pour la Coopération pédagogique / Policy Officer for Academic Cooperation
Founded in 1963, the European Federation of Schools is a network of 500 higher education institutions in 35 countries on 4 continents, united around the same educational project: the development through education of a citizen open to the world and prepared for the professions of today and tomorrow. Recognition by governments and professional federations and its consultative status with the Francophonie confirm the excellence of FEDE's educational programs. These recognitions allow it to be a force of proposal on the international scene. With participatory status at the Council of Europe since 1987, the FEDE actively participates in the Conference of INGOs, a pillar of the Council of Europe that represents the voice of civil society. It presides over the Education and Culture Commission and is committed to the reinforcement of an education that is a bearer of European values, open to all and to the promotion of a unifying European spirit. The FEDE is proactive in the creation of a European Higher Education Area. Thanks to all its monitoring and research activities, the FEDE is today a force for innovation in order to encourage the transfer of skills, to promote mobility and to develop a culture of democracy through education. The FEDE is a powerful network and a key player in education and professionalization issues.