vgbe energy (vgbe) is - as the international technical association for power and heat generation and storage - a voluntary association of companies for which power and heat generation and storage - i. e. power plant operation as well as the appropriate technique - is an important basis of their business.Our Goal is to promote and optimise • the operational safety and environmental compatibility • availability and economyof existing plants and plants to be constructed for power and heat generation.We are dealing with all questions regarding power and heat generation (Hydro, Wind, other renewables, fossil, nuclear) with their contiguous issues of environmental protection – in fact in close co-operation with EURELECTRIC on European level and with BDEW on national level.Our main focus of work is: • Compilation of technical competence and services for our members in the range of: - Power plant concepts - Fuel technology and firing systems - Steam generators - Steam and gas turbines - Generators, electrical engineering, I&C, and IT - Materials and civil engineering - Operational and maintenance management - Environmental technology - Chemistry - Safety and Health • Operational services in the range of: - Technical consulting - Damage analysis and material test laboratory - Monitoring of construction and assembly/quality monitoring - Chemical investigations • Compilation of technical standards as: - Re-organisation of the operational monitoring - VGB guidelines and instruction sheets • Co-ordination of projects and R&D measures • Technical lobbying • Information and publication of technical reports • Organisation of congresses, symposia and conferences, technical exhibitions, seminars and workshops • Training and further vocational training of power plant personnel