http://pq.consultingPQ Consulting is a boutique fundraising, philanthropy, and management consulting firm. We provide strategic consulting services for nonprofits, foundations, and philanthropists. We are driven by the belief that intelligent philanthropy can change the world. Great wealth brings greater responsibilities. Fulfilling those responsibilities creatively can help achieve a transformative impact. PQ Consulting helps change agents - both donors and nonprofits identify their Philanthropy Quotient to make informed choices.PQ is a latent comprehensive measure of the giving or receiving potential of an individual, organization, or foundation. PQ of donors is based on an assessment of capacity, affinity and propensity; while for receivers, it is based on efficiency, affinity, and effectiveness. Non-profits seeking funding need to identify donors with high PQ to increase their likelihood of success in receiving support. Donors seeking funding opportunities should identify recipients with high PQ to enhance the likelihood of impactful outcomes