Knowledge Solution (KSol) develops efficient product development strategies for your business, supported by our skilled and knowledgeable work Force well-versed in your PLM/KCR technologies. Our (KSol) Business Solutions utilizes a proven set of well-developed knowledge capture and Reuse (KCR) technology for saving time and costs in product design and development.Due to complexity of products, our clients design today, knowledge must be managed globally to fully utilize corporate information and to provide a competitive edge. Unless intellectual properties (IPs) associated with product life-cycle management (PLM) & development process is captured for someone else in your company to use them again (regularly) at a later date, learning, productivity, and innovation are stifled. Our Business SolutionsCustomer solutions are developed using our KSol application development Accelerators and our KCR utilities. Our KSol Solutions are delivered and deployed on your existing PLM TOOLS & TECHNOLOGY (e.g. CATIA or NX) requiring no additional costs or resources to maintain and use them.Generative Modeling Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) Knowledge Mining & Discovery (KMD) Knowledge Acquisition (KA) Knowledge & Process Management (KPM)Knowledge-based Systems (KBS)Knowledge-driven Automation (KDA)Design AutomationKnowledge Architecture & PlatformsKnowledge Solution (KSol) senior consulting team brings to you years of experience in Knowledge Capture and Reuse (KCR) tools and techniques -- to be applied with your in-house Product life-cycle management (PLM) systems. Our teams specialize in Knowledge-based engineering (KBE) tools and functions of most commercial PLM systems (like DS/CATIA or Siemens/NX Tools). At KSol, we have combined those KCR techniques with Business Intelligence to optimize processes and company policies in order to increase ROIs. Our senior leadership team has been providing PLM/KCR services for over twenty years.