Partner Company at IPPAG Global Promotions is now Prominate! - London, England, United Kingdom
IPPAG Global Promotions has rebranded as Prominate. The company registration number and registered address have remained the same, we are the same company! We have just changed our name.Why?IPPAG Global Promotions was formed 6 years ago out of the IPPAG Cooperative with a vision to align partners from across the globe to deliver worldwide promotional product and branded merchandise programs with a clear brand led perspective and process.The ethos of the company has stood firm throughout –that is about effective promotional solutions globally, regionally and locally.With both the IPPAG Cooperative & IPPAG Global Promotions operating under the same name we needed to clarify our position given the distinct differences between the organisations.Coupled with the significant growth and development of IPPAG Global Promotions it is time to open a new chapter:Welcome to Prominate