Prosa is on the scene of Italian IT since 1998, undamaged overcoming the crisis of the New Economy of the first years 2000 and arriving to the current italian crisis with important prospect at international level. Surprisingly, all the history has been made by Prosa leveraging only on one's work, without any external financing! All the business has been generated from the small initial financing of the 30 years old charter members in 1998. The secret of this? Two words: innovation and differentiation. The innovation has been the founding idea of the company, thanks to cultural issues of the charter members, closely related to the academic world. The differentiation has been a natural consequence of the desire to innovate without field boundaries. Such desire carried Prosa to resolve in original ways many problems of various nature and in heterogenous contexts. Today Prosa is worldwide leader in telemetry systems for equipment in the Beverages field. The telemetry experience of Prosa is applied also in the Vending field and for Motorbikes. Prosa has three main divisions: Telemetry System for Fountain-Vending-Coolers, CAN Devices for Motorbikes, Smart Equipment Development.