About Page Turner Awards Sponsored by ProWritingAid, the Page Turner Awards gives published authors and unpublished writers, of fiction and non-fiction from all genres, the chance to have their writing discovered by high-profile judges from the literary world. See our 2020 Finalists: https://pageturnerawards.com/2020-finalists-shortlist-and-winners 2021 AwardsThe 2021 Page Turner Awards include a Writing Award, eBook Award, Young Writer Award, Screenplay Award, and a Writing Mentorship Award.In total, there are five award categories, and you can enter up to five submissions across the different award categories.Writing Award ~ for unpublished, completed manuscriptsYoung Writer Award ~ for writers aged between 18 and 25Writing Mentorship Award ~ for uncompleted manuscriptsScreenplay Award ~ for scriptwriters with a completed screenplayBook Award ~ for authors with a published book, mainstream or independently publishedAll Awards accept fiction and non-fiction in all genres.Entrants from anywhere in the world can enter. The 2021 judging panel includes literary agents and publishers who are actively seeking writers to publish from the entries, plus film producers who are looking for scripts to option and produce. The judges also include influencers in the publishing industry, plus an audiobook production company giving published authors the chance to get their eBook and printed books into audiobooks.See the judging panel here: https://pageturnerawards.com/2021-judges Find out more about The Page Turner Awards: https://pageturnerawards.com Submissions for 2021 will open on the 1st of January 2021. Subscribe here to be notified when the awards open: https://pageturnerawards.com/2021-awards RegardsPaula Paula SheridanPage Turner Awardshttps://pageturnerawards.com