ROTARACT CLUB OF CVS(A part of Rotary International District 3011)Rotaract Club was formed in the college on 18th July 2018, sponsored by Rotary Club of Delhi South West. Itconnects CVS Rotaractors with the Rotaract Movement and the best charter club ,charted In 2018connecting the world with fellowship and making forever bonds.Achievements1. Best charter club in 2018-192. we won 14 awards in the district3. we have completed a total of 200 event's in 2018-19 1 yr of rotaract with a team of 100 students.4. in second yr of Rotaract we again completed 200 events in 2019-20 with a team of 150 studentswhich include online and offline.5. we have served around 10,000 people all over india in past 2 years6. we are one of the best society in cvs7. We are one of the best clubs in the district amoung 50 clubs.GoalsGoals for starting a rotaract club was1. to serve everyone2. to help others3. to spread the meaning of Rotaract to others4. a platform to make everyone together under one umbrella5. to be one of the best clubs in district6. one of the best society of cvs7.oppurtunity for everyone to learn new thingsThe Rotaract club of CVS is involved in:1. Community Services aimed at improving life in our local communities. These activities are ofteninitiated as District events. Our club participates in all the events organised by the Rotaract District 3011as well as any other Rotary event.2. Club Services- They promote socializing, making friends and having a good time Fellowship.3. Professional Vocational Services aimed at developing skills of student-members with opportunities forprofessional development.4. International Services – student members also participate in any international Rotary event that isbeyond the boundaries of Rotaract District 3011. This can include interaction with even non-Rotaryservice minded community leaders of another country.