Doctoral Student at International College of Digital Innovation, Chiang Mai University - Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
International College is established in 2011 to incorporate international and bilingual undergraduate programs in Chiang Mai University (CMU). The main academic mission is to facilitate student mobility in ASEAN and Europe. CMU practices ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) as well as European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). To facilitate the best practices, International College has support roles to other academic faculties in student mobility with credit transfer, Inbound and Outbound visiting professor exchange, Cross Border Co-Research with ASEAN+3 university partners, Common European Framework Reference in English for General Education and Free Elective courses, student leadership program and, other infrastructure and activities for international students in CMU. In 2017, International College has been enhanced her academic roles to entrepreneurship and digital innovation. The enhanced mission directly responds to the Thailand 20 Years Strategic Plan in digital startup especially Digital Economic Cluster for Chiangmai. This aims at development of TransNation Education with leading entrepreneurship and innovation universities in United Kingdom, Australia, China, Korea, etc. The new International College of Digital Innovation (ICDI) offers bachelor, master, doctoral programs in digital innovation and financial technology. Besides the major courses, ICDI also offers General Education and free elective courses in digital entrepreneurship literacy to any CMU students in other faculties. This helps students to learn disruptive digital technologies for engaging new digital economy and society. Today ICDI has 2+2 dual degree programs in entrepreneurship with University of Strathclyde and East China University of Science and Technology. As well as in data analytic, ICDI collaborates with Curtin University and University of Electronic Science and Technology China.