Aperio is an investment manager and part of BlackRock. For more than 22 years, we’ve been working side-by-side with advisors and institutions to personalize and tax-optimize indexed equity SMAs (separately managed accounts) that reflect the individuality of each investor. Aperio portfolios are customized around five dimensions: market exposure, taxes, personal values (ESG), factors, and risk. Because after-tax return is what truly matters to taxable investors, Aperio’s time-tested tax-loss harvesting and other tax economics techniques aim to enhance after-tax returns across a client’s entire equity portfolio. We offer the most granular level of SRI/ESG personalization to build portfolios perfectly aligned with clients’ beliefs and causes they care about, without sacrificing performance. Driven by our human-first philosophy, we are dedicated to providing unmatched personal service. Facts • Headquartered in Sausalito, CA • Over 130 employees • $48B in Assets Under Management as of 6/30/2022